Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Chapter 4, page 5/四章第五ページ


Zerix-kun said...

Aw! Apologizing Grief is cute like puppy dogs eyes. To quote Rena-chan "I want to take it home!"

Can I? XD

adrienne trafford said...

these are incredible Lily! i'm going in to read more...also you should try illustration Friday...you'll get a lot of comments and more visits so you can show this incredible stuff off...

(Sarah hasn't seen your post yet but i told her about it and she's all excited...she'll check out your blog tomorrow when she gets up...)

Yuri said...

zerix-kun: unfortunately if you wanted to take grief home, you'd have to take ellison and all his other emotions too....:P lol

adrienne: thanks so much! I'm glad you like it. thanks for adding me to your watched blogs! I'll have to try IF, looks like fun ^_^
looking forward to hearing from sarah :)