Friday, November 27, 2009

ver. 1.0 hiatus, but ver. 2.0 continues!

Hi guys --

Before I get into details, let me make clear that Farewell Feeling 2.0 is up and running healthily! Please visit at

Now to the bad news: I really hate to do this (and when I first began Farewell Feeling 2.0 I didn't plan to), but I think Farewell Feeling 1.0 is going on a temporary (and maybe permanent) hiatus after all.
my reasons are these:
1. I'd like to devote more time to Farewell Feeling 2.0, as well as other projects (such as finishing some submission packages to various publishers)
2. blogger just isn't working for me anymore as a webcomic host. great blogging site, but there are other hosts that are better suited to webcomic-ing.
3. I began this comic some time ago (over a year, I believe) and I made the mistake of not doing much careful work on the storyline at the beginning. this means that now the storyline has started to wander a bit and I'm no longer happy with a great deal of the pages I've done, and at this point I don't feel it's worth it to try and get it back on track when the new version of this comic HAS careful story planning ( as well as better/more carefully done art).

☆☆☆please remember that this DOESN'T mean Farewell Feeling has disappeared -- I'd love it if you'd check out the "new version"! click here (or copy/paste to see it!

s0 I leave you with one last image (for now).

happy holidays! thank you for reading my comic and I hope you'll follow me to the new site!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

merry (early) christmas

this is a christmas card I am currently working on to sell for the holidays.
it's not quite done yet, but almost.
if you'd like to order one, send me an email! :)
merry early christmas!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Chapter 6, page 9/6章第9ページ

don't forget to also check out, the full-page Farewell Feeling remake! I'd love your opinions on both this comic and that one :)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Halloween/Farewell Feeling 2.0 is up!

that's right, farewellfeeling ver. 2.0 is now up on!
I command you to go check it out and tell me what you think!
many people look a bit different in the new version and there are some new characters/plot elements...I hope you enjoy it.

as always, thank you for visiting the site(s)!
and happy halloween ^^

Friday, October 16, 2009

Farewell Feeling the Remake: Preview!

Here is a preview of one of the WIP pages for the Farewell Feeling remake.
please note: as I said before, even though I am remaking Farewell Feeling from the ground up; current (Chapter 6's) pages will continue to be posted as usual (on Tuesdays and Saturdays).
what I am trying to decide now is whether to physically replace the old pages of Farewell Feeling (e.g. the ones in Chapter 1) with the remade pages or whether to post the new pages somewhere else.........any thoughts?

Friday, October 9, 2009

WIP illustration: "Repetition" + news!/WIPイラスト:「繰返し」+ニュース!

EDIT: illustration removed until it I have time to make it more finished/interesting. sorry!

Hi all!
some news: along with posting new comic pages (for chapter 6) on Saturdays and Tuesdays as usual, I'm also going to start working on
remaking Farewell Feeling's early chapters (yes, those chapters. the ones with the horrible art). Keep an eye on for those remade pages!
(this "Repetition" illustration is a W.I.P. (Work In Progress) chapter picture for the remake).
eventually, the old chapters on will be replaced with the remade chapters. the writing/story progression is a little different this time around, so please read the remake as well! thank you for visiting my comic :)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Chapter 6, page 1/六章第一ページ

Hi everyone. I know Chapter 5 was a bit disjointed, so for Chapter 6 I'm trying a new method of writing that will keep the story flowing more coherently. Sorry for any confusion I caused last time ><; Please continue to bear with me as I continue to try to find the best way to write a webcomic! Thank you, as always, for visiting.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Thank You

thank you so much to everyone who stopped by, bought art or commissioned me at our Artist Alley table this past weekend at the New York Anime Festival!
all of you rock :)

also, I am beginning a new blogger. no, that does NOT mean Farewell Feeling is ending; it just means I will now have more than one comic running online.
the new site is not nearly as frequently updated as Farewell Feeling but has some more "finished" manga works on it. please check it out occasionally and let me know what you think :)


once again thank you to all of you!
I'm really sorry there is no post for today. instead, here is a pretty image from lilyscomics. enjoy ^^
new Farewell Feeling page will be up very soon.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Chapter 5, page 11/五章第十一ページ

so I know it is rather unconventional to have a non-comedic 4-panel comic, but I wanted to try it for a while (plus a lot of Grief's backstory is not exactly comedy material).
I'd love to know what you think of this experiment! (and any other comments or critiques you may have). thanks as always for visiting!
シリアスな4こまの漫画はちょっと型破りの事だと知ってますけどしばらく描いてみたかったんです。 (それにグリーフの過去の話はどう見てもコメディーではなくて…)

Friday, July 31, 2009

Illustration: Kaworu/イラスト:カヲル

I'm in CA this week with limited computer access, so you get a couple illustrations instead of comic pages. This time it's Kaworu from Evangelion.
Farewell Feeling will resume shortly, don't worry :)

Monday, July 27, 2009

chapter 5, page 8/五章第八ページ

things take a more serious turn for Ellison's emotions...
don't forget to vote in the poll! thanks :)

Friday, July 24, 2009

illustration: idle/イラスト:遊び

this is an illustration of Grief with the human she had before Ellison. I don't know if you're allowed to have an OTP for your own series, but if so this is it for me xD
(except for the fact that in reality he can't see her. oh, and the fact that she accidentally killed him Dx).
this is also my entry for this week's Illustration Friday topic "Idle." Idle can mean a lot of things, but one of the things it makes me think of are those fun, relaxed days where you just wander around town. so it's Grief and her human, wandering :)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Chapter 5, page 7/五章第七ページ

just realized there are now over 100 posts on this comic o_o wow.
このコミックは100以上のポストがある事を今気付けました。うわああ ゜д゜

Monday, July 13, 2009

Chapter 5, page 5/五章第五ページ

whether you're a one-time visitor or a returning reader, don't forget to vote in the poll on the left! thanks :)
初めてここへ来た人もいつも読んでくれる人も左のポールにVOTEしてくださいね! ありがとう ^_^

Monday, July 6, 2009

Chapter 5, page 3/五章第三ページ

happy tanabata, everyone!

PS: why does blogger keep not posting my posts when I tell it too?? they keep getting posted only after a delay...

Friday, July 3, 2009

illustration: light/イラスト:ライト

I apologize for posting yet another non-farewell-feeling-related work...we are moving right now and I don't always really have access to the computer I use to make the comic pages. in the meantime, please enjoy some fanart :)
it's Light from Death Note.

またFAREWELLFEELINGではない絵をアップしてすみません…今は引越し中なのでパソコンを使う事が時々できません (FAREWELLFEELINGのページはパソコンで作ります)。

Friday, June 26, 2009

illustration: Yuuki/イラスト:ゆうき

Yuuki from "Vampire Knight."

Saturday, June 20, 2009

unrelated illustration: Ichigo/関係のないイラスト:一護

I know I should stop posting all these unrelated illustrations, but I'm really pleased with how this one's coming out...wanted to share ^^ enjoy!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

extra illustration: "craving"/おまけイラスト:「渇望」

this week's Illustration Friday illustration's topic is "craving" and features Grief-chan (has she been in one before...?). she craves a lot of do her work well, to see a certain deceased person again...a lot of things.