this week's Illustration Friday illustration's topic is "craving" and features Grief-chan (has she been in one before...?). she craves a lot of do her work well, to see a certain deceased person again...a lot of things.
She's been in an illustration before, just not one of the usual Friday ones. The last one was great and so is this one!
cool piece
thank you both!
NICE ONE! REALLY GREAT JOB!It´s a well done work, and it´s a great interpretation of the subject.
Wow, this is psychologically accurate! Good interpretation.
Nice job! I love the emotion in this. Very good shading also.
I like her gesture and expression and your handling of the ribbon billowing around her. Well done!
I am wondering what she is craving.
p.s. but I like the mystery. It makes us question.
Very cool illustration!
i absolutely love this - did you do some of this in photoshop? so beautiful - she really does look like she's craving something...
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